Before I start a new picture, I spend a certain amount of
time observing the last painting I have done. And if I knew why I do this,
I would definitely mention it now. However, I don’t think I am the only
one who does this and am I going to spare myself the unnecessary and time-wasting
mind searching which wouldn’t get me any further.
I have, without a doubt, enough ideas for a new picture, rather like the many
dreams a young boy at playschool has having been asked whether he would like
to become a doctor or an astronaut…! Even so, it is often the case that
while researching new images for an idea, at the end of the day a completely
new motive develops compared to that which I had originally had in mind.
I find these images in all sorts of journals, magazines, catalogues and God
knows where else. For me, it’s not important where. I find everything
– well, almost everything – I need. (The question of using professional
models thus answers itself, not to mention the considerable cost factor –
the model wouldn’t do it for the good of her health - and the messy
arranging of appointments, going to random meetings, having intensive conversations
about so-called “serious art”, my works and my motivation and
hell knows what else, thus costing me nerves and time).
After I have finished a sketch – I don’t adhere to the time-wasting
“produce hundreds of sketches and thousands of possible compositions”
method – I start working...